How do I choose the right leisure battery for my caravan or motorhome? What’s the difference between AGM, EFB and conventional battery types? How should I look after my leisure battery? What’s a smart charger?

We’ve partnered with YouTubers ‘The Trudgians ‘to answer some the most frequently asked leisure battery questions and highlight the importance of leisure battery care. Watch the series below.

1: Leisure Battery Frequently Asked Questions

2: Charging a Caravan or Motorhome Lead Acid Leisure Battery

Meet The Trudgians

Meet The Trudgians

The Trudgians are a family based in Wiltshire who have embarked on the great caravan adventure.

Consisting of Dan, Angela, Thomas, Chloe and their faithful Labrador Chops, The Trudgians are known for their unique blend of interesting and informative videos that share some invaluable tips and tricks for owning a caravan. They focus their efforts for those who are first-time owners but also give straight forward advice on a variety of caravan and camping-specific topics.